What the Core 8 Week Program-Platinum


Work with me to unlock your hidden physical potential by learning to truly move with conscious awareness and FEEL AMAZING in your skin. All exercises build on the philosophies I have developed throughout my years of learning anatomy and physiology, strengthening my own body, and teaching many clients and students for the past 23 years giving you a comprehensive program that you may use forever.

You and I meet once a week, online and get to work! Each meeting is a one hour private session dedicated to YOUR issues and goals for YOUR body.

-proprioception-understanding where your body is in space and it’s relationship to its surroundings…sound crazy?! I will teach you how to master this, as it is essential to being stronger and is now considered as our 6th sense-amazing, right?!
-5 exercises

-Amanda Jane’s 3 Cores of the body
-upper, middle, and lower core connection…how they” talk” to each other
-adding movement to breath
-5 exercises added to previous week and envision your best health/fitness/physicality

-opposite energy line (OEL)
-protect your spine by learning how to incorporate northbound and southbound energy (OEL)
-challenge middle core like never before
-5 exercises added to the previous weeks while envisioning your BEST HEALTH!

-the Planes of Movement AND Riding the Breath
-learn to move in all 3 planes and how our bodies love it
-incorporate the 3 planes in everyday life and movement
-bonus goodness for your best health
-5 exercises added to the previous weeks and envision your BEST HEALTH!

-Joy in Movement-catapult your strength and proprioception by not only performing the exercises, but experiencing joy while doing so
-body brain connection is further strengthened by associating movement with bliss via biofeedback
-your body desires movement NOW-you will “hear” your body’s wishes to continue with movement each day…zero feelings of obligation, as the body communicates its wanting of more!
-5 exercises added to all previous weeks to complete your 25+ exercise program all while reaching your BEST HEALTH!



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